Our canyon, our community, our environment – and our lives – are at stake.
The construction and operation of a vast commercial event venue wedged into a residential neighborhood in a high-fire severity zone unnecessarily endangers the safety of the Triunfo + Lobo Canyon neighborhood and its wildlife.
The risk of fire, already a major concern in Triunfo + Lobo Canyon and across the Santa Monica Mountains communities, would increase exponentially.
If Brookview Ranch is allowed to proceed, it will lead to a domino effect that will have a permanent and unmitigated environmental impact on the Santa Monica Mountains.
Brookview Ranch proposes to construct a 54,000 square foot special event facility in Triunfo + Lobo Canyon (TLC), a tiny community of 300 residents in the heart of the Santa Monica Mountains consisting of narrow mountain roads and a single ingress/egress. Click here to see the exact site location. The proposed project is simply an inappropriate land use for both safety and environmental reasons.
This proposed commercial development will unnecessarily endanger residents, wildlife, and the environment, setting a dangerous precedent for all of the Santa Monica Mountains. Community leaders and environmentalists agree!
The proposed Brookview Event Venue will create a life-threatening safety disaster in the event of a wildfire, like Woolsey which whipped through our community in 2018, leaving a path of destruction. Triunfo + Lobo Canyon alone, lost 29 structures and one life. Narrow roads, which the County itself has designated as “inadequate” and the lack of proper infrastructure of the canyon community simply cannot accommodate hundreds of partygoers. There would be catastrophic loss of life in the event of an emergency evacuation. No emergency services or fire department support will enter our canyons in the event of a wildfire or natural disaster as it is far too dangerous.
This commercial project threatens the very nature of the Santa Monica mountains, which represent nature, wildlife, and ecological balance. The project seeks to exploit R-R zoning, designed to encourage recreation and enjoyment of the nature of the Santa Monica mountains, to build a large-scale commercial event venue in a high fire severity zone residential community. There are also serious environmental concerns as the traffic generated would be need to cross a designated S-1 blueline creek to reach the venue.
This project and its proposed zoning change would have a profound and permanent impact on Triunfo + Lobo Canyon and set a precedent by opening all of the Santa Monica Mountains for the influx of thousands, if not tens of thousands, of partiers every weekend. This proposed project is simply inappropriate in this community as it has a single ingress/egress and is in a high fire severity zone residential community with small, windy, unlit roads and noise amplifying topography.
We need your help to stop this inappropriate development.